Iranian Politics

The Anglo-American bond is based on common interests and values. This should enable the two nations to develop a shared, robust strategy to thwart Iran’s malign activities at home and abroad.

The three leading candidates to take over as Britain’s new Prime Minister are Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, and Penny Mordaunt. What do we know about their positions on Iran, and could anything change depending on the winner?

Rishi Sunak

L to R: Mohammad Kazemi, the new head of the IRGC-IO and Hossein Taeb, his predecessor
L to R: Mohammad Kazemi, the new head of the IRGC-IO and Hossein Taeb, his predecessor

There is one man in the Iranian system who had a great deal to lose amid the multiple mysterious assassinations a

On Sunday, May 22, Iranian media reported the assassination of Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, who was a senior officer of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force. Khodaei was shot five times by men on a motorcycle in an unarmored Kia Pride, in what was thought to be a secure area near the Iranian parliament.

The outcome of Lebanon’s parliamentary elections revealed that the country’s citizens are largely disillusioned and apathetic, given the low voter turnout, and an active minority is angry. At 41% turnout, this suggests the majority of the Lebanese people believed the outcome of the election would be irrelevant, and that whatever the composition of the parliament, it will not be able to extricate Lebanon from its current crises.

On Sunday, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad made a surprise visit to Iran—his first trip there since February 2019. Much has changed since that last jaunt to see his patrons.

Iran’s new Ambassador to Iraq Mohammad Kazem Al-e Sadeq

Last Monday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced that Mohammad Kazem Al-e Sadeq will become the next Iranian ambassador to Iraq.

On August 5, Ebrahim Raisi was sworn in as the president of the Islamic Republic on the heels of major protests, and ongoing strikes in the strategic energy sector. Beginning in June, thousands of workers in the energy sector including petrochemical plants went on strike to protest late payment, low wages, and poor working and living conditions.

As predicted, Ebrahim Raisi is the incoming president of the Islamic Republic. There are a few things we learned from the election that particularly stand out.

On June 18, 2021, Iran will hold a presidential election that will be anything but free and fair. This has been the case in all prior elections, as the Islamic Republic is a republic in name only. Iranian elections exist to benefit the ruling regime, which vests final decision making powers on all affairs of state in the hands of an authoritarian Supreme Leader, by creating an approved channel for the citizenry to experience the trappings of democratic participation and choice that does not threaten its grip on authority.