Fazli, Ali

Sanctioned by U.S:
Date Sanctioned by U.S:
Sanctioned by EU:
Date Sanctioned by EU:
Sanctioned by U.K.:
Date Sanctioned by U.K.:
Sanctioned by Canada:
Sanctioned by Australia:
U.S Laws/EOs Sanctioned Under:
EU Laws/Regulations Sanctioned Under:
U.K. Laws/Regulations Sanctioned Under:
Canadian Laws/Regulations Sanctioned Under:
Australian Laws/Regulations Sanctioned Under:

"Ali Fazli is the Deputy Commander of the Basij militia, which has launched attacks against websites, including those of foreign news outlets, in an effort to suppress the Iranian people’s access to information. Basij members have also violently attacked peaceful demonstrators andprohibitedtheexerciseoffreedomofassemblyinIran. Inhispriorpositionasthehead of the Seyyed ol-Shohada Corps of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Fazli played a role in the brutal repression of civilian protesters in 2009, after the reelection of President Ahmadinejad and during the Student Day protests." 1,2

"Chief of the Imam Hossein Cadet College (since 2018). Former deputy Commander of the Basij (2009-2018), Head of the IRGC’s Seyyed al-Shohada Corps, Tehran Province (until February 2010). The Seyyed al-Shohada Corps is in charge of security in Tehran province and played a key role in brutal repression of protesters in 2009." 3

"Brigadier-General Position: (1) Deputy Coordinator of the IRGC (2) Chief, Imam Hossein Cadet College (3) Former Deputy Commander of the Basij (until 2018) (4) Former Head of the IRGC’s Seyyed al-Shohada Corps, Tehran Province... Former Head of the IRGC’s Seyyed al-Shohada Corps, Tehran Province. The Seyyed al-Shohada Corps is in charge of security in Tehran province and played a key role in brutal repression of protesters in 2009." 4


Canada has sanctioned Fazli, pursuant to the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations, regarding Iran's "grave breach of international peace and security."5


1. https://www.treasury.gov/

2. https://www.govinfo.gov/

3. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/

4. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/

5. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2010-165/FullText.html

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