Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA)

Also Known As:
Communication Regulatory Authority
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"The CRA enforces Iranian government requirements to filter Internet content. The CRA has implemented Iranian government-mandated lawful intercept requirements for Iranian telecommunications companies. Following post-election unrest on June 13, 2009, the CRA ordered hundreds of websites blocked for nearly a week. Additionally, in early June 2009, the CRA ordered the blockage of hundreds of public Internet websites in anticipation of the June 12 presidential election in Iran. This large-scale effort was focused on blocking access to English and Farsi versions of foreign news agencies, social networking sites, blogs, and other such public forums." 1

"The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) is under the authority of the Iranian Ministry for Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The CRA enforces the Iranian government’s requirements to filter internet content through a spyware called SIAM. During the 2022 protests, the CRA used its control of internet access and mobile phones to track protestors and create a detailed picture of dissidents’ and protesters’ activities for the authorities to use at their will. The CRA is therefore responsible for supporting the repression of peaceful demonstrators, journalists, human rights defenders, students or other persons who speak up in defence of their legitimate rights. The CRA is therefore responsible for serious human rights violations in Iran."2




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