November 23, 2009
Contact: Kimmie Lipscomb, [email protected]
Phone: (212) 554-3296
New York, NY - United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) today
called on Huntsman to
cease doing business in Iran and to explain its sale of polyurethanes
in Iran. Huntsman is listed on UANI's Iran Business
Registry (IBR).
According to its
website, Huntsman maintains a local agent in Iran and several
representatives abroad for the purpose of selling polyurethanes in
Iran. Polyurethanes are widely used in weapons platforms and
other defense-related materials, including solid-fuel technology, which
can be used to power nuclear missiles.
In a letter to the Founder and Chairman of Huntsman, Jon M. Huntsman,
UANI President, Ambassador Mark Wallace wrote: "UANI calls on Huntsman
to clarify whether the polyurethanes that it sells in Iran could be
used to produce solid-fuel technology, as even the smallest chance of
this potential dual-use is cause for great concern by the international
community. What steps does Huntsman take within this closed
society to reach 100% assurance that Huntsman polyurethanes can, in no
way, be used to produce solid-fuel technology or support Iran's
military capabilities?
"Even in the case that Huntsman is certain that its use of its
polyurethanes is completely harmless, UANI calls on Huntsman to cease
doing business in Iran. Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., in his capacity
as Ambassador to China, has called on China to act responsibly in its
dealings with Iran. The company that bears his name, however, has
failed to do exactly that...
"We urge Huntsman to immediately cease all business dealings in Iran,
sign the Iran Business Declaration, and join the international
community in condemning Iran's illegal nuclear weapons program."
Click here to send
a message to Huntsman.