Daewoo International

Financial Services
KS: 047050
South Korea

[email protected]

Daewoo International is a subsidiary of South Korean Steel Company POSCO

Company website lists branch in Tehran, Iran as part of its "Global Network." (Company website)


"Daewoo International maintains an office in Iran, according to its website. It is an international trading company involved in everything from chemicals to construction. Daewoo Corporation won construction contracts from the  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers while Daewoo International fell under its corporate umbrella. Daewoo International was subsequently spun off and today is a separate company."  The company received $10.4 million from the US government for their investments in Iran during 2000-2009.  Their business in Iran is currently active. (The New York Times, "Profiting from Iran, and the US," 3/6/2010)

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