Former Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi Condemns Iranian Regime’s Holocaust Cartoon Contest
June 1, 2016
June 1, 2016
[email protected]
Former Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi Condemns Iranian Regime’s Holocaust Cartoon Contest
Countries and companies should not do business with regime that promotes unvarnished Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism
New York, NY - Former Italian Foreign Minister and United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) Advisory Board Member Giulio Terzi condemned the Iranian regime’s support of the heinous Holocaust cartoon contest, and the Italian government for remaining silent about the event. Minister Terzi also pointed to the regime’s role in fostering an anti-Semitic environment and cautioned countries and companies considering doing business with Iran:“As the third annual Holocaust Cartoon Contest winners were announced, the Iranian regime lost yet another opportunity to take a step toward reform and away from extremism.
“It is extremely alarming that the Iranian regime continues to openly endorse anti-Semitism, promote Holocaust denial, and threaten the security of Israel. We have witnessed this antagonistic behavior time and again from Iran’s leaders - from engraving ‘Israel Must be Wiped off the Earth’ in Hebrew on its ballistic missiles, to rewarding the families of every Palestinian ‘martyr’ with $7,000. It is clear that the regime’s militant and extremist nature remains unchanged despite the nuclear accord.
“Western leaders and companies considering business in Iran must be aware that entering into an agreement with a government that incites this kind of hatred will inevitably lead to irreparable reputational damage with investors and the international community.
“I am extremely disappointed in Prime Minister Renzi and the Italian government for conspicuously failing to denounce the Holocaust Cartoon Contest. Italy’s leaders must recognize they are jeopardizing our country’s global standing. Instead, they should use this as an opportunity to show Iran we will not tolerate this kind of extremism by withholding business from a regime that promotes a hateful and dangerous agenda.”
UANI has directly reached out to Italian companies Eni, Fiat, Finmeccanica and Danieli, regarding the risks of Iran business.Led by a group of former leading diplomats and lawmakers, UANI is in the midst of a global education campaign focused on the corporate risks of doing business with Iran, warning hundreds of international companies that are contemplating Tehran as a new investment opportunity.
As part of its campaign to highlight the dangers of business with the Iranian regime, UANI has identified a matrix of 10 key risk categories businesses and sovereign states face should they pursue deals with Tehran.
Media interested in speaking with Minister Giulio Terzi, please contact: [email protected]
About UANI
UANI is an independent, not-for-profit, non-partisan, advocacy group founded in 2008 by Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, former CIA Director Jim Woolsey and Middle East Expert Ambassador Dennis Ross, that seeks to heighten awareness of the danger the Iranian regime poses to the world.
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