UANI Statement on Israel’s Military Strikes on the Iranian Regime

(New York, NY) – United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) Chairman Governor Jeb Bush and CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace released the following statement today after Israel’s commencement of military strikes against the Iranian regime: 

“In announcing its launch of strikes against military targets in Iran, Israel has met its pledge to punish the regime for launching hundreds of drones and cruise and ballistic missiles on Israeli territory since April and most recently on October 1. This is a plainly justified, necessary retaliation to unprecedented Iranian aggression against a sovereign state. 

“To be clear, this is not an attack on the people of Iran. Neither Israel, the United States, nor their allies seek to inflict harm on those inside Iran who are most affected by the regime’s brutal policies. Today’s response is focused on severely degrading the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) which is responsible in equal measure for domestic oppression, global terrorism, and wide-ranging attacks on Israel. Iran is now facing the consequences of its mistaken belief that it can act with impunity.

“No rational state would accept a neighbor that both calls for its annihilation and then executes on those threats with a hail of missiles—some inherently capable of carrying a nuclear warhead or other weapon of mass destruction. Israel is defending itself in the absence of American and allied willingness to deter Iran and its terror proxies.

“We welcome Israel’s action and urge U.S. support.”