ICYMI: UANI Exposes German Universities’ And Islamic Centre Hamburg’s Links To The IRGC And Hezbollah

(New York, N.Y.) — United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI)’s recent investigation revealed, for the first time, that five German universities have close partnerships with Iran’s University of Religions and Denominations (URD), which is extensively affiliated with terrorist groups, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah and has endorsed and advocated for terrorist attacks on Israel.
UANI’s findings received extensive coverage across German and international media, including Germany’s top three outlets. The German government has reacted to the investigation, with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research stating: “the UANI warning is being taken seriously.”  


In response to the surge in scrutiny, Goethe University Frankfurt has admitted that it has an agreement with URD and has pledged to investigate. The University of Münster, which was not aware of URD’s ties to the IRGC, has pledged not to engage in dialogue with terror-supporting entities. Spokespersons from the University of Potsdam and the University of Paderborn have admitted to recent ties with the URD but have not pledged to investigate how such a relationship was approved nor promised to avoid future engagement.

UANI’s investigation also provided new evidence of the deep ties between the Islamic Centre of Hamburg (IZH) and the IRGC and Hezbollah-affiliated URD. Following the publication of UANI’s new evidence on IZH’s IRGC and Hezbollah links – which was shared with officials in advance on October 25 – German authorities raided 54 locations connected to IZH on November 16. UANI applauds the German government for taking action against IZH and calls on other nations to follow its example.  

Media coverage of UANI’s investigation includes:

To read UANI’s findings on German Universities’ collaboration with the IRGC/Hezbollah affiliated -URD, please click here.